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Senior Sales Executive

Senior Sales Executive

JOB ID 000000987
ตำแหน่งงาน Engineering - Building, Civil, Construction / Quantity Survey
ประเภทธุรกิจ Mechanical Others
เงินเดือนพื้นฐาน 100,000THB ~200,000THB
สวัสดิการ Social security
Comission Bonus

Language Allowance, Transportation Allowance, Commission, Car Allowance
สถานที่ทำงาน Bangkok
เวลาทำงาน 09:00~18:00
รายละเอียดงาน Do Survey and research for the potential car park
Do marketing and make management plan
Present the management plan to customers (owner level)
Negotiate and make contract with customers Conditions
คุณสมบัติของผู้สมัคร Sex: Male or female
Age: 28 - 40 years old
Year of experience: Over 5 Yr.
Bachelor's degree
Other qualification:
Experience working in Thailand for at least 5 year
Be able to use PC + Microsoft office"
Preferred experience & skill
Experience in Manager position
Experience in sales or marketing position"
Good looking & good personality / mature / active / leadership /
service mind / love challenging / initiative
Male or Female undergraduate school upwards
Business English

ช่องทางสมัคร ・ติดต่อสอบถาม
