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Purchasing/GA Assistant Manager

Purchasing/GA Assistant Manager

JOB ID 000000797
ตำแหน่งงาน Trading and Distribution
ประเภทธุรกิจ Mechanical Others
เงินเดือนพื้นฐาน 70,000THB ~100,000THB
สวัสดิการ Social security

Business Trip Allowance, Car Allowance etc.)
สถานที่ทำงาน Bangkok
เวลาทำงาน 00:00~00:00
รายละเอียดงาน (Purchasing)
・Negotiate the best price according to the company cost strategy,
quality standard and timely delivery.
・Track purchase orders and deliveries by means of quality,
schedule and other contract terms.
・Cooperate with all departments to achieve company’s target.
・Compare prices/specifications/delivery dates in order to
determine the best bid among suppliers.
・Vendor sourcing, contract negotiation and ensure prompt delivery.
・Being responsible for all GA and administration tasks.
・Monitoring and controlling cost expenses in procurement and
supplier engagement
・Select vendors including activities of reviewing
quotation/contract and evaluating their performance.
・Preparing and maintaining offices, office equipment and asset
คุณสมบัติของผู้สมัคร ・Age 28 - 33
・Good command of Spoken and Written in Japanese

ช่องทางสมัคร ・ติดต่อสอบถาม
