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Technical Engineer for Repair

Technical Engineer for Repair

JOB ID 000000653
ตำแหน่งงาน Electronics / Electrical Equipment
ประเภทธุรกิจ Mechanical Sales engineer/Field engineer/Application engineer
เงินเดือนพื้นฐาน 35,000THB ~40,000THB
สวัสดิการ Social security

Transport (1500THB), Incentive (5000~8000THB), OT Food (Company Provided), Medical & Life Insuarance, Mediacl Allowance, Dental Allowance
สถานที่ทำงาน Bangkok
เวลาทำงาน 08:15~17:15
รายละเอียดงาน The Technical Repair Engineer helps sales or customers by providing
repair service of our high tech products.
·To reserch and anlyze the cause of damaged products and repair it
by using the high level of technical skills and knowledge in the
·To maintain our products quality.
·To develop and further expand repair technical knowledge and
expertise, for expansion of the items which we can repair in
Thailand instead of in Japan by learing high level skills from
Japan side.
Analyze and repair the high tech products, problem-solving of
Customer and Sales Engineer, Check and maintain the Trial Units
from customers
คุณสมบัติของผู้สมัคร Mandatory: Microsoft office / Electric knowledge
Advantage: Knowledge of Circuit Board

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